Our vision is that in 10 years, the Ouse Burn will be a valley with abundant wildlife, cycle paths and walkways for recreation and environmentally friendly commuting.

Water will be significantly cleaner, the restored heritage will provide access to the history of Newcastle and the many communities who value the valley will have been empowered to have their say, supported by funding to bring about the changes they identified.

Send me the Brochure

Our in-depth brochure outlines all of our proposed plans and aims to:

  • Define the potential of the Ouse Burn and the Letch as a major recreational resource of benefit to the residents of Tyne and Wear
  • Seek the support of all those bodies with an interest in the area to agree a comprehensive strategy that meets local and national objectives and secures the long term development and maintenance of the corridor
  • Work closely with local communities in the evolution of the project

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Refer a Charity in The Ouse Burn Way to enter them into our prize draw.

5 charities will win a donation of £100

Charities must be operating within the Ouse Burn Valley.

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Get Involved

The Reece Foundation wants to empower the local community to have their say, supported by funding to bring about the changes they identified.

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